Tuesday, November 2, 2010

I Run and Run as the Rains Come

School is hard, and keeps me way busier than I would ever want to be. Isn't it funny how we're only on earth for like +/-80 years and we spend a good 20% of that in school and another 60% or so working to make a living for ourselves? Sometimes I just wish I didn't have to do anything with my life so I could go out and truly live life to it's fullest, and go and see everything that there is to see in the world. But for now, I have to finish school, knowing I will be able to feel accomplished once I graduate and am truly out on my own. That's approaching really quickly. But hey, I guess all you can do is try to appreciate life as much as you can, no matter how busy and stressful and confusing it becomes.

And I have no idea why I felt like blogging, but there you go, so yeah... enjoy. Don't hate.


  1. I think you just wanted to say, "I hate school," from every medium possible.

  2. haha, i don't really hate it though, it just keeps me a little busier than i want to be.
